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L'affaire Pérol en quatre questions

(Texte initialement publié sur Blogger) L'article 432-13 du Code pénal dispose, en son alinéa premier : Est puni de deux ans d'emprisonnement et de 30 000 Euros d'amende le fait, par une personne ayant été chargée, en tant que fonctionnaire ou agent d'une...

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Good Reads: October 9th 2014

Mining of Massive Datasets - This is a very interesting book which covers many topics in Big Data including Map-Reduce, Recommendation Systems, Mining Social-Network Graphs, Dimensionality Reduction and Large-Scale Machine Learning. I am currently in...

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Implications of Open Source Swift

Apple is open sourcing Swift in late 2015 and is going to provide a compiler + libraries for iOS/OSX and Linux!!! This brings some interesting implications, given that: 1) Swift aims to be safe via static type inference and use of optionals 2) Swift aims...

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Download Free Music

Almost everyone listens to music on a tablet or MP3 player these days. How does the music get into this equipment? Downloading music is the way to go. This article provides information about downloading music that will help if you have an interest in...

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Why Do You Read the News?

I used to read news, articles, and commentaries every day. I would wake up and read the Wall Street Journal each morning along with a variety of carefully cultivated online sources that I would browse through during lunch and after work. I used the internet...

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Notes to Our Leaders by Decibully

Sidewalk chalk writers leave notes for our leaders who cover our eyes with candy and bubblegum They hear what were saying, but they choose not to listen at all So we choose a different voice we chew on our choices and swallow the knowledge and the experience...

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